The Roma Women and Youth Association “LULUDI” takes active participation in identifying persons without personal documentation as a subgrantist and in partnership with the organizations MIR and Association center for educational support of children “Dendo Vas“, through implementation of the project “Dignified Life – Right to Personal Documents”.
The project’s aim is identifying new cases of persons without personal documentation in order to enable them to enjoy the basic human rights as equal citizens of the Republic of Macedonia. The project activities shall be mainly focused at different municipalities in Skopje, as Shuto Orizari, Gjorce Petrov and Chair, where the majority of the population are from the Roma.
The main activities of the project are:
- Meetings with representatives from local institutions, local self-government, relevant institutions – Meetings with mayors and representatives of municipalities, meetings with representatives from the primary schools, kindergartens, Roma Information Centers, Social Work Centers, etc.
- Public meetings with people from the local community
- Creating Manual for dealing with persons who do not have personal documentation and preparation for activities on terrain.
- Fieldwork – fieldwork (visits) to families within the community, through prior mapping of locations / streets / neighborhoods.
- Setting up an Info booth for citizens, where informative leaflets and contacts will be shared in order to inform the citizens where to apply if they are not registered in the registry. The Info booth shall be placed at the most frequent places in the local communities.
- Active Contact Center for persons without personal documentation.
The Contact Center will work 12 hours in the day, for information and consultation.
Target group of the project: Persons unregistered in the Registry of Birth, persons without personal documentation.
Period of realization: April – October 2018
Funded within the project “Out of the circle – Invisible in society”. The project is funded by the EU.