Welcome to Roma Women and Youth Association “LULUDI”

Roma Women and Youth Association “LULUDI” is a national non-profit and nonpartisan organization based in Skopje. It seeks to achieve gender equality and protection of women’s rights – the rights of Roma women.

It aims at:

  • achieving economic, social, cultural, civil rights of Roma women established by the Constitution of RM
  • equitable representation in all spheres of social and political action and decision-making
  • promotes respect of women personality and integrity
  • achieving greater gender equality, and
  • right to elect and be elected, including the young Roma.

The Roma Women and Youth Association “LULUDI” was founded on 15.06.2001, as a need for change and as a support for challenges faced by Romani women in Macedonia, including young Roma. RWYA “LULUDI” provides assistance to the local community on issues related to women’s rights and improving the living conditions and supporting the education of youth. RWYA “LULUDI” stands for peace, nonviolence, diversity and peacefulness Its work is based on research and assessment of the needs of the community members, design activities that are accessible to the local community and are aimed at a specific target group with a clear and concise purpose.


Roma women as educated, healthy, economically independent and equal members of the society. A representative of the real value of our culture and tradition.


Address current issues of women and youth in the areas of socio-economic and political life, elimination of all forms of violence against women, respect for basic human rights and values, creating conditions for greater engagement in the economy and other areas. Furthermore, it works toward improvement of social protection of the family, health and welfare of the women, with an emphasis on its role in biological reproduction and the right to family planning.


Improving the status of Roma women both, in the society and in the family, as well as increasing the level of education of the Roma youth by working together with other NGOs and institutions in the country.

0 %
Female respondents consider that Roma women are not sufficiently represented. As one of the reasons mentioned are education, discrimination, tradition and misbehavior from the parties.
A total of 0
Candidates for councilors have run, of which 42% or 72 women are on the candidate lists for councilors in the municipality of Shuto Orizari (Local Elections in R.North Macedonia, 2021)
0 %
Of female respondents believe that Roma women are not sufficiently represented in politics and should be more represented.
0 %
Of respondents think that women from all communities are not proportionally represented



Executive coordinator

President of the Assembly

Program coordinator

Administrative coordinator

Supervisory Board


After 15 years of existence, “LULUDI” is a well-recognised NGO in its community, nationally and internationally. The recognition is due to the implementation of 25 projects in various areas such as: elections, voting rights, domestic violence, human rights in the area of health care, promoting youth participation at local level, women’s rights and promotion of equality. For the purposes of the projects the organization has established successful cooperation with public and state institutions such as the Ministry of Health, Ministry for Education, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy. “LULUDI” has also been a project partner in more than 20 projects with other national and international organizations. It has also participated in a number of events, conferences and study visits.


COLLABORATORSCrisis Center “Nadez”    NGO
 Dendo VasNGO
 Initiative of women from Suto OrizariNGO
 “Young Roma” Crna GoraNGO
 Roma Women’s Center “Bibija“NGO
 Otaharin BiHNGO
 Organization of women from municipality Sveti NikoleNGO
 Journalists for Human RightsNGO
 Association for democratic development SONCENGO
 “Terno Vas”  BerovoNGO
 “Klea” BitolaNGO
 Association of multiethnic society for human rights StipNGO
 Association for the rights of Roma StipNGO
 Step by StepNGO
 ORT SkopjeNGO
 MIR – SkopjeNGO
 Songjul SabanExpert/trainer
 Alma MustafovaExpert/ trainer
 Elvis MemetiExpert/trainer
 Zurija SaitExpert for gender issues
 Redjep Ali CupiExpert/ trainer
  Ramco KundevskiExpert/trainer
 Roma association for culture “Rusid Sakir” – Kumanovo 
 The Cabinet of the Minister without Portfolio responsible for the implementation of the National Strategy for improvement of the situation of Roma, Muzafer Bajram 
 Municipality Cair 
 Municipality Suto Orizari 
 Municipality Gjorce Petrov 
 Office for Management of Births, Marriages and Deaths by the Ministry of Justice 
 The Cabinet of the Minister without Portfolio responsible for the implementation of the National Strategy for improvement of the situation of Roma, Aksel Ahmedovski 



non-formal national Network for Monitoring and Reporting on the implementation of the CEDAW and Istanbul Convention

Established by the RWYA “Luludi”

Members: the Organization of women from municipality Sveti Nikole – own svn, Crisis Center “Nadez”, Imitative of women from Suto Orizari, Journalists for Human Rights, Terno Vas Berovo, Klea Bitola, Gordana Nestorovska, Daniela Antonovska, Anita Ilievska.

 Balkan Roma Women NetworkEstablished by the CARE International
 Network against discrimination 
 Macedonian Women’s Lobby 
 Network for advocacy Roma rightsSONCE

Contact Us

st. Lazar Trpovski no.1/2-7,Skopje 

Opening Hours:

Mon – Fri: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

The Roma Women and Youth Association “LULUDI”© 2022. All Rights Reserved