Institutional grant support of RWYA “LULUDI”

The Roma Women and Youth Association “LULUDI” in the following period of 2020-2021 will operate on strengthening the capacities at institutional and organization level with the support of the program of Civica Mobilitas. 

This support aims at leveling up the institutional development, organizational strengthening, overcoming of the current challenges that the organization is facing, and at the same time enhancing the contributions in the society, within the framework of the four main areas that are the base of the Civica Mobilitas` Program. 

In the framework of this support, the RWYA “Luludi” will implement numerous activities, and some of them are:

  • Strengthening and enhancing RWYA “Luludi”’s capacities. 
  • Development of the Luludi’s Network of local organizations for monitoring of the international documents and politics regarding combating domestic violence and discrimination towards women through building strong collaboration and development of NGOs at local level. 
  • Advancing the position of the Roma women and youth in the society by mutual initiatives, partnerships, cooperation with other organizations, networks and institutions. 
  • Active inclusion of the Luludi’s target groups and constituents on addressing the appearing challenges in the local communities.
  • Monitoring, reporting and advocating the CEDAW and Istanbul Convention implementation in the Republic of North Macedonia.

Main envisioned outcomes:  

  • Enhanced and developed skills and capacities of the RWYA “Luludi” 
  • Enhanced capacity, organizational operation and visibility of the non-formal Network of women organizations and individuals, led by RWYA “Luludi”.  
  • Raised activism and active inclusion of Luludi’s constituents within its work, with special focus on the youth unemployed, students and Roma women, as well development of the Volunteering program of the organization. 
  • Increased education, information and encouragement of the Roma women about the forms of gender-based violence, recognizing and fighting against discrimination, and adequate reporting. 
  • Advanced national politics on prevention of gender-based violence and discrimination on women, monitoring the implementation of international documents and conventions. 

Implementation period: 01.07.2020 – 30.06.2022

Total budget amount: 3 803 174 denars

Main operational area: National, at the territory of the Republic of North Macedonia. 

The project is supported by the Civica Mobilitas. The Civica Mobilitas is a program of the SDC – Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation in Macedonia, that engaged NIRAS from Denmark, and Macedonian Centre for international cooperation (MCIC), and SIPU from Sweden for implementing the civil society support program Civica Mobilitas. The overall objective of the program is social change in Macedonia, driven by active citizens, a strong civil society sector, and good cooperation between the authorities and civil society at both the central and local level features better governance, decentralization, and social inclusion which are reflected in real improvements in the lives of the citizens.

Contact Us

st. Lazar Trpovski no.1/2-7,Skopje 

Opening Hours:

Mon – Fri: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

The Roma Women and Youth Association “LULUDI”© 2022. All Rights Reserved