Today is the day to reach out and lend a helping hand
- Edukacia bašo njamo jekhajekhipe.
- Lindipen e Romani džuvlji ano putardino dživdipe thaj ano proceso bašo ingjarutnipa pratsavdina, an themutno thaj an lokalno nivelo.
- Zoralipe e džuvljengere butjarne džandipa, sar ka šaj te ovel len jekhajekh akceso ano bikinipaskere taneste.
- Te bajrarelpe o korrkorobutjaripa.
- Eukacia bašo namušikane čačipena.
- Promoviripe thaj realizipe o hakaipe ano alosarin.
- Monitoring pe alosarina thaj alosaripaskoro proceso ano lokalno nivelo.
- Pobari inkluzija andar terne Roma ano proceso bašo ingjarutnipa pratsavdina ano lokalno nivelo.
- Edukacia bašo o manušikane/džuvljengere hakaipa. - Deipe juristikano ažutipe thaj te delpe dumo bašo victimia andar maripe ki familia. - Rodijaripencar thaj fundisaripen e statikakere podatkoja bašo o numero e Romane džuvlja kola si victimia andar maripe ki familia. - Lindipen ano maškaruthemutne thaj themutne kampanje mamuj o maripe ki familia.
- Monitoring ano o hakaipe bašo sastipaskoro arakhipe
- Promoviripe o hakaipe bašo sastiparskoro arakhipe e pripadnikia tari Romani amalipen.
- Prezentipen o hakaipe bašo sastipaskoro arakhipe anglal o relevantna institucie ani R.M.
- Legalno arakhipe ano realizipe o hakaie bašo sastipasko osiguripe.
2020 - 2022
Aktivna Členia
engaged Volunteers
ikerde bašo vazdipe o džandipa mamuj o maripe ano džuvlja thaj čaka – 16 divesa
Nevipa bašo najneve aktivitetia
Nekhobor lafia taro amare členia thaj korisnikia
"For me, LULUDI is a place where I can freely express my opinion and attitude. A place where I have the opportunity to upgrade my knowledge. A place where I learned that we are all the same, we should help each other and be here for each other. I was involved in many activities of Luludi, I am also a volunteer. Volunteering gave me the opportunity to gain knowledge in several areas, from which I had the opportunity to upgrade myself. "I also had the opportunity to find out through fieldwork what problems our community is facing and help it as much as I can."
Lorensa Sulejmanova
17y. Skopje, Cair
"For me, Luludi is a place where I can fully express the female opinion as a Roma woman, and thus find a solution to every problem of the womеn, who more often has problems as a victim of violence but also in employment. I was present at such a debate / discussion organized by Luludi, although for the first time I was part of their activities, I felt like I was attending more often. "From there, they handed me several flyers explaining how to help those in need of work, as well as information and advice on dealing with domestic violence and discrimination, responding to and stopping domestic violence against women."
Makfire Memedi
24 year, Skopje, Shuto Orizari
"Luludi for me is a guide, success and professional stability. In addition, Luludi is a space for me where I can freely share my opinion, express my creativity, enrich my knowledge and help with my potential. Luludi for me personally had a great positive impact on my personal and professional development, by making a change in my thinking, acting and decision making with determination, confidence and perception of things from different angles. I started in Luludi in 2016. with the participation of Political Skills Training, and since then through the participation of various useful trainings and workshops, #sedidoma online lectures, participation in campaigns such as "All together in preventing trafficking in children and girls" and the like. "I gained more active participation in Luludi through my volunteering, where I would single out trainings on project cycle, strategic planning, workshops for political involvement of Romani women, as well as CEDAW monitoring and the Istanbul Convention with a focus on Romani women."
Vasvija Destanovska
23y. Berovo
"In the past period, I was actively involved in a project aimed at monitoring the implementation of the Istanbul Convention and CEDAW in our country. It was one of the projects where I can work to improve the position of Roma women by providing guidance for creating appropriate policies that will work to protect the interests of women, which is one of my areas of interest. That is exactly what Luludi represents to me, that is, an organization through which a group of women acts directly to help a Roma woman. "
Sibela Mamudoska
Prilep, member of the Informal Network for monitoring, reporting and advocacy of Romani women within Luludi
First of all, I would like to express how much Luludi has marked or shaped me since the beginning of my academic steps, if it were not for Luludi I would not have the experiences that will help me further in my professional life and he has marked me through my first informal activity I have experienced (Creating youth policies). Luludi has opened my eyes to how young Roma are perceived in society.
Elvis Bajram
For me, Luludi is an organization that is willing to hang out with us, always open to new friendships and new knowledge, always with positive energy. It helped me to refresh the knowledge I had gained before and made new friends. I participated in trainings on various topics, and what I like most is that it motivates me as a young Roma woman to stand out and express my opinion and to be accepted first by myself and then by others.
Ferzije Asanoska
24, Bitola
20 years ago Luludi taught me to read and to be literate. It helped me a lot in life, in my family, with my children, and now with my grandchildren. I love the organization and I see it as a women's organization that I can always go to and address and I am satisfied. Luludi is always here to help me with everything I need.
Meneksha Muharemovikj
57, Topaana, housewife
City Council:
st. Lazar Trpovski 1/2-7, Skopje
Opening Hours:
Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
“LULUDI” is a national non-profit and nonpartisan organisation based in Skopje. It seeks to achieve gender equality and protection of women’s rights – the right of the Roma women.
st. Lazar Trpovski no.1/2-7,Skopje
Mon – Fri: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm