Roma Women Power in Democracy

Main objective of the project: Roma Women active participants in public life at all the stages of decision-making process  and  politics, on national and local level.


  • Roma Women become aware of the gender misbalance in  Macedonian society.
  • Roma Women together with other women in Skopje with empowerd capacities for participation in political parties and to be on the candidate lists.
  • Roma Women in the political parties in Skopje have active participation and influence, and capacity ti advocacy the gender issues in politics.

The project is 12 months long and includes activities like: meetings with politics leaders, meetings with women in politics, capacity building of women to take over leadership and advocacy of the right of women to authority positions.

Target group of the project are 5 political parties of Roma community in Skopje, among which direct beneficiaries are 20 Roma women members of political party, 10 Roma women interested in to enter political party, who directly participate in the project activities.

Most of the activities shall be more focused in Skopje, most precisely in communities where the Roma population  is higher, as : Shuto Orizari, Chair, Topaana, Gjorce Petrov and Madjari.

Period of implementation : April 2016 – April  2017

Supported by the US Embassy in the Republic of Macedonia.

This project was funded in part through a U.S. Embassy grant. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendaations expressed herein are those of the implementers/authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Government.

Contact Us

st. Lazar Trpovski no.1/2-7,Skopje 

Opening Hours:

Mon – Fri: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

The Roma Women and Youth Association “LULUDI”© 2022. All Rights Reserved