Regional Conference named “Unifying the Voices for Ending Violence against Women” was held at 19th of September 2010 in Belgrade.
At the Regional Conference participated more than 70 participants coming from four countries from the Western Balkan (Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Hercegovina) in order to discuss about improvement of the current status of the Roma women in the region. Among the participants were also and the members of the non-formal national Network for Monitoring and Reporting on the implementation of the CEDAW and Istanbul Convention. At the Regional Conference was presented the prepared Regional Report on compliance of the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and European Committee Convention on Prevention and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention) related to discrimination against Roma women in the areas of healthcare, child marriage, and support and protection in cases of gender-based and domestic violence.
The Regional Report is prepared based on the national reports from the four partner countries from the Western Balkan (Serbia, Macedonia, BiH and Montenegro).
The National Report of the Republic North Macedonia is initiated and lead by the RWYA “Luludi” and prepared by the created Network of organizations and individuals: the Organization of women from municipality Sveti Nikole – owmsvn, Crisis Center “Nadez”, Imitative of women from Suto Orizari, Journalists for Human Rights, Terno Vas Berovo, Klea Bitola, Gordana Nestorovska, Daniela Antonovska, Anita Ilievska.
The Regional Conference is final event of the project “Unifying the Voiced for Ending Violence against Women”, implemented by the regional partnership between RWYA “Luludi”, Roma Women’s Center “Bibija” (Serbia), “Youing Roma” (Montenegro) and “Otaharin” (Bosnia and Hercegovina).
The project is part of the regional programme “Implementing Norms, Changing Minds: Ending Violence Against Women in the Western Balkans and Turkey”, implemented by the UN Women and supported by the European Union.