Building up the capacities of the non-formal national Network for Monitoring and Reporting on the implementation of the CEDAW and Istanbul Convention

The non-formal national Network of organizations and individuals for Monitoring and Reporting on the implementation of the Convention for Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and Istanbul Convention has strengthen its capacities throughout the held seminar in Veles.

At the seminar, the participants i.e. representatives of the organizations from the network had the opportunity to know more about certain terms and areas within the Conventions, intersectional discrimination, as well getting know with the specially created Matrix for monitoring of the implementation of the CEDAW and Istanbul Convention, getting instructions for using it and directions for reporting.

The aim of the training is the members of the Network for Monitoring and Reporting on the implementation of the CEDAW and Istanbul Convention to gain skills and capacities for making effective monitoring, using the Matrix  in effective and efficient way in order together to create a National Report for the implementation of the CEDAW and Istanbul Convention in the Republic of North Macedonia. Afterwards, this National Report will be part of the Regional Report along with the national reports prepared from Serbia, BiH and Montenegro.

Trainers of the training: Gordana Nestorovska and Natasha Apostolovska.

The Seminar for strengthening the capacities of the members of the Network for Monitoring and Reporting on implementation of the CEDAW and Istanbul Convention is a part of the regional project “Unifying the Voiced for Ending Violence against Women”

The project is part of the regional programme “Implementing Norms, Changing Minds: Ending Violence Against Women in the Western Balkans and Turkey”, implemented by the UN Women and supported by the European Union.

Previous RWYA “Luludi” with strengthen capacities for transparent working and accountability 

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